100% independent from hotels & locations

Local, national & international networks and partnerships

Individual solutions, based on your needs and budget

Multilingual support

Your reliable and sustainable partner for the planning and execution of your event!

Event Networks is an agency which, together with you as a customer, takes over the planning, administration and execution for innovative seminars, leadership events, incentives, congresses, association meetings and events.

With our digital solutions for registrations, payment services, event apps and much more, your events are state-of-the-art, efficient and transparent.

In addition to the agency, we operate the event marketplace eNetworks.ch for the temporary rental of event equipment and event services for private, business, commercial and virtual events in Switzerland for private individuals, companies and resellers (hotels, event locations, entertainers and other meetings & Events Professionals).

More about us


Venue Finder

You are looking for the right hotel or location for your meeting or groups booking?
Take advantage of our wide and extensive networks to hotels, event locations, restaurants and techical supplier.

The local and gloabl sourcing process is free of charge!

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Meetings & Events

Need to impress somebody? Let us help you with the sourcing, selection, contracting, administration and handling fo your event!

With our creativity and knowledge we are discovering the right venue for your meetings and events.

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Winter wonderland, beach, mountains, metropole city or cruises we are your reliable and experienced partner when it comes to incentives within Switzerland or international.

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Congresses PCO

We make sure that your congress participation, Advisory Board or Investigator Meeting will be managed compliantly.
We stand for reliability, innovation and transparent reporting.

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Registration & App

Full integrated registrion and app solutions including payment services and attendees management.

We are looking forward working with you!

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